The Devil's Cleavage

Mar 20, 2012

(George Kuchar, 1973, USA, 16mm, 122 min)

Co-Presented by The Sprocket Society

Partial inspiration for Zippy the Pinhead and eulogized by the NY Times as “a national treasure,” George Kuchar (Aug. 31, 1942–Sept. 6, 2011), with his surviving twin brother, Mike, practically invented the campy, no-budget, anti-professional, tasteless, gender-bending underground style later embraced by John Waters and others.  He made over 500 films in his career. Tonight we feature two of his best: The Devil’s Cleavage is a farcical send-up of Douglas Sirk-style melodramas, made “as if Sam Fuller and Sternberg had collaborated in shooting a script by Tennessee Williams and Russ Meyer” (Chuck Kleinhans, Jump Cut).  

Screens with
Hold Me While I'm Naked (George Kuchar, 1966, 16mm, 15 min) This classic short was one of the Village Voice’s 100 best films of the 20th century. It depicts an exploitation film shoot gone wrong.
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