Detroit Wild City

Oct 08 - Oct 09, 2011

(Florent Tillon, 2010, USA/France, HD, 80 min)

Falcons nest in its abandoned skyscrapers. Weeds sprout through broken sidewalks. Blighted apartment buildings fester with vermin. Hundreds of stray pit bulls roam the streets. These are images from Florent Tillon’s documentary about the life, death, and rebirth of "Motor City." Tillon tells its story through haunting images of urban decay and interviews with residents who are reinventing the city’s future. The stunning post-apocalyptic landscape of abandoned skyscrapers, empty streets and crumbling factories stand in stark contrast to past images of a thriving metropolis. Residents describe the transformation they witnessed over their lifetime and explain how the collapse of industry and infrastructure continues to thwart renewal. Still, they have found creative ways to survive and the proliferation of urban farms, wild animals, and micro economies based on barter and trade suggests that Detroit has gone “back to nature” for a second lease on life.

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