
Sep 28, 2010

(Daniel Gildark, USA, 2007, DigiBeta, 120 min)

We're pleased to revive this sci-fi gem in the same year Hollywood filmmaker Steven Ghylenhall came to town to direct the film adaptation of screenwriter and producer Grant Cogswell's pre-filmmaking bid for city council. Cogswell's feature film Cthulu,directed by Daniel Gildark, is a contemporary adaptation of HP Lovecraft's mythos, was shot throughout the Pacific Northwest. It received support from our fiscal sponsorship program and also reunited much of the crew from Police Beat, including cinematographer Sean Kirby, production designer Etta Lilienthal and producer Alexis Ferris. It was also one of the few locally produced features to receive commercial distribution!
Bed Time Story
(Sarah Jane Lapp, 2009, USA, 35mm, 2 min)
A wonderfully wistful hand-drawn animation involving bats and dreams.

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